President, Council, Commissioner

I deeply regret that so far there has not been a formal consideration of the seizure of Russia’s immobilized Central Bank assets. Repeatedly we hear that Council and Commission have not found a legally sound way to use the seized assets. My advice is very simple – try harder! Try harder to find political willingness as well as a solution compatible with the rule of law principles.

Russia has to pay for violation of international law and UN Charter, for causing immense human suffering and destruction. Let me remind that under customary international law, a state responsible for an internationally wrongful act must provide full reparation. International law, also, allows countermeasures – to induce compliance with international law.

Commissioner, please come up with legally and financially sound
solutions in order to use Russian frozen assets to compensate for the
damages inflicted by Russia’s action. The sooner the better. Ukraine needs it today.

Thank you!

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